We’ve Simplified Our Settings

Today, we’ve shipped an update to Simple In/Out’s web app to simplify our settings and streamline our interface even further.  The changes are minor, but they are necessary to eliminate some of the clutter and make way for some new things we’re working on. So what changed?  Our goal was to clean up the top menu, which for administrators was getting awfully crowded.  Previously, if you had admin capabilities, you’d have seen Company Settings, Add User, GeoFences, Settings (for personal info) and the Sign Out link.

We’ve reduced it now to this:

Where did Company Settings and Add User go?  We’ve now consolidated the Company Settings and the personal settings into one main Settings page.  If you have admin privileges, your Settings page will have a menu on the top, like this:

We’ve also reorganized the Settings pages to make them a bit easier to digest. As for the Add User function, we’ve moved that right next to the list to make it more obvious.  Also, we’ve added icons to our Update and Add User function to make them stand out even further.  Like so:

I hope everyone likes the subtle changes to make Simple In/Out even easier to configure and use.

Simple In/Out Lands in the Chrome Web Store

Today, Simple In/Out has entered the Chrome Web Store!

Why the Chrome Web Store?  We wanted to present a nice icon for our users when opening new tabs.  Also, if you check the “Remember Me” link when you log into Simple In/Out, you’re always a one-click launch away from seeing your Simple In/Out users.

Check us out.

New Feature: Full Screen Mode

Tonight we’ve shipped a small feature with big impact (pun intended).  If you look closely to the list of users, you’ll notice a new icon by the search box.

Clicking this takes you to our new Full Screen mode.  Full Screen removes all the options and personal information and shows just the list of users. Why do this?  We’ve received requests from users who want to see their employee list on a big screen, televisions or digital office boards.  While this has been possible since Day One due to our auto-refreshing, it’s never quite looked right on the screen (especially with the user who’s logged in right there too).  Now, you can put Simple In/Out up for everyone to see. This a great for users who have an old spare computer laying around.  Also great for iPad.  And, if you have too many users to fit on the screen, we’ve left the search box there so you can type a phrase to limit the list to only users you care about. Let us know what you think.

Changes to Simple In/Out

Hello, We really hope everyone is enjoying Simple In/Out as much as we’re enjoying developing it. This product means everything to us, and we want to thank everyone for their support. This has been a really great 10 months.

So, why the blog post? Well, the time has come for us to begin charging for Simple In/Out. The costs to keep this app running combined with our desire for loose change has led us to this point. We firmly believe that Simple In/Out, with its first-in-class features like GeoFencing, is certainly a product worth paying for. And, we’ve priced Simple In/Out wonderfully low.

  • Free (up to 3 users)… Free
  • Startup (up to 10 users)… $5
  • Small Business (up to 25 users)… $10
  • Corporate (up to 50 users)… $15
  • Unlimited (up to 1000 users)… $20

As you can see, we’ve kept our word to be super affordable. We’ve also maintained a free plan to allow small groups like ours to continue using Simple In/Out. We love helping small businesses.

Since many of our users have been with us for the first 10 months of our app, we’re going to grandfather all existing users in! As long as our existing customers don’t add or remove any of their users, they can continue to use Simple In/Out just as they do now for free. When they do need to expand or contract, we’d ask at that time for the user to choose a plan that meets their needs. If any users really want to help us out, they can modify their plan on the Company page and choose to begin paying us anytime they wish. We’d sure appreciate it if users find this valuable enough to help us keep the servers running.

We’re three guys who like building apps. Thanks again to everyone for using our favorite app and for everyone’s understanding. As always, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to email us any time.

2.1 for iOS Released

Our iOS update that includes all the new 2.1 features is live in the App Store. We have bundled up a lot of new features we know everyone is going to like.

– Add/Edit/Delete User information (admin only)

– New native signup page

– SSL encryption for added security

– Lots of bug fixes

As always, we appreciate all the feedback we get from our users. Some suggestions made it into the app, and some are still under construction. Keep the suggestions coming. Thanks for all the support.

2.1 for Android Released

Hey everyone your friendly neighborhood Android developer here. Just letting you know that version 2.1 of Simple In/Out was published to the Android Market today. Some of the new features included are add/edit/delete users (admins only) and creating a new company from the App.  We hope you like all the new features and as always if you have anything you would like to see, our ears (and email inbox’s) are always open!

Simple In/Out 2.0 is Live!

After 9 months of brainstorming, months of coding and weeks of final debugging, we’ve just launched Simple In/Out 2.0! Our team is incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished. It’s been a hell of a summer.

By far, the banner feature of this new release is GeoFencing. With GeoFencing, you can designate circles on a map. Once added, reach for your Simple In/Out app on your phone and under your GPS settings, you can automatically check in/out when you enter or leave a real world location! This makes checking in and out virtually transparent. After a little setup, everyone in your organization will be automatically updating.

We’ve also redesigned the user interface to be easier to use. We’ve added additional profile information to the website. We’ve added a bunch of efficiency changes and nailed down a bunch else.

Check it out: http://www.simpleinout.com

Relative Dates

Today a small change to fix a date sorting bug led to another great little touch to the Simple In/Out web site: relative dates!  Now, to make things easier to read, you’ll see labels like “Today” and “Yesterday”.  Like below:

Hopefully it’s changes like this that make all the difference for your day to day productivity. Also, stay tuned for big 2.0 news.  We’re now days away from release!    

We’re Pushing Up the Web!

Starting today, we’re pushing up the web. For far too long, us web developers spend a significant amount of time getting our apps running in browsers old and new. Old versions of Internet Explorer alone are enough to send me climbing the clock tower. But what can we do? We can recommend you use a modern web browser like a recent version of Safari or Firefox. Starting today, we’re going to try to prod users even more. Now, if you visit Simple In/Out or this blog with an old browser, we’re going to gently nudge you with a little message:

 If you click on this, it will take you to the vendor’s page so you can update your browser. Many thanks to Push Up The Web for the easy to integrate script. If you’re a website operator, we strongly recommend you join the effort.