iOS 2.3 Update Available

We have a shiny new update for our iOS users today. Sorry for the delay. We discovered a couple issues at the final hour and had to fix those and resubmit to the App Store. Here is what we have in store for you.

2.3 What’s New:

  • New Account Settings – Now you can edit yourself. Previously only admin users had the ability to change user information
  • Geofence updates – We have been working hard to make our best feature even better.
  • Misc bug fixes

We have a lot of exciting new features in store for our users. We want to thank our everyone for all the great suggestions. We value your opinions very much and take all ideas seriously. So please keep them coming.

Android 2.3 Available

We have another release for android that is available today.  This update allows users to update some of their information from the application itself. As always our ears and inboxes are always open for suggestions or comments so keep them coming!

Android 2.2 Now Available

Hey everyone great news. Android version 2.2 has been released to the Android Market. You’ve commented, we listened. With this update comes the ability to favorite statuses and delete statuses from your list. Its very easy to use just click the star to favorite a status and click it again to unfavorite it. To delete simply swipe from left to right to remove it from the list. Like always we want to keep to the simple in Simple In/Out.

One Click Update Favorites and Deletes

Since we launched Simple In/Out about 11 months ago, we’ve received a lot of great feedback from our users.  These great ideas have led to some popular new features, like Reports, Full Screen Mode and CSV Export.  Keep that feedback coming! But to this day, our number one requested feature by far has been for a way to manage One Click Updates.  For those not familiar, One Click Updates allow users to reuse their last 9 unique status updates.  This is a handy feature on iOS, Android and the website for things like “At Lunch” and “Working Hard”.  This morning, this feature looked like this:

 This works well and requires no user setup or management, making it a simple solution right in our wheelhouse.  But, some of our users want to spend time curating their list of One Click Updates.  They want to remove the ones they know they’ll never use again instead of staring at them until they fall off the list organically. We’ve listened and more importantly, we’ve put on our thinking caps .  How can we allow our users to curate the list without requiring our users to curate the list?  The solution eluded us for a while, but I think our answer tonight will make our users very happy. First, we’re introducing One Click Update Delete.  Now, you can remove those updates you know you won’t use again.  This can be done with a swipe on our iOS and Android app and a couple of clicks on the web app.  For users that want to eliminate those one-time status updates, you now have an option. But we didn’t stop there.  We’re also introducing Favorites.  With Favorites, you can choose One Click Updates that you always want to remain on your list, no matter if you use them often or not.  By touching the star on our iOS/Android app or a couple clicks on the website, you can guarantee a One Click Status is always available. For users who don’t want to curate their One Click Update list, the system works the same now as it did yesterday.  While any status favorites will never leave your list, all the other statuses will be added and fall off the list organically just as they always have.  We’ve even brought the number to a round 10 One Click Updates instead of the cryptic 9. Now, on the website at least, here’s what you’ll see with a few favorite One Click Updates:

 This is available right now for the website and our Android users.  For our iOS customers, Apple has the update in review and it should be out in a day or two.

Big iOS update out today

Simple In/Out just turned 1! Hard to believe that just a short year ago we were just 3 guys and an idea. Today, we are releasing a big update with features you have been asking for. Here is a rundown of what you can expect in this release. Add Favorites: – This has been a big request from our users. You now have the ability to tag your status updates as a favorite so it will stick at the top of your quick list. Just tap the star, and you’re done. Simple! Delete Statuses: – By far, this has been the most requested feature for Simple In/Out. Now you can remove unwanted statuses from the quick list. Just swipe, and delete. Simple! Major Renovations: – We have been working very hard to make Simple In/Out fast, secure, and stable. With this update, we think we’ve done an even better job than before. Here are just a few of the things we’ve worked on.

ARC conversion (code optimization) Geofence optimization Hard to find bug fixes Login security Bug fixes

From everyone here at Simply Made Apps, we want to thank you for using our product and service. We also want to thank you for all the great suggestions that keep making our app great. We really couldn’t have done it without you. The Simply Made Apps Team

New iOS update

Another small update for the iOS platform. Nothing to worry about, this update addresses a few minor bug fixes.

We have several new features in the works. Stay tuned, they should be ready within a couple weeks.

Export Report to CSV

Hello again.

Yesterday, we shipped our first comprehensive reports for Simple In/Out.  Today, we’ve just added the ability to export that same report as a CSV (comma-separated values).  CSV files are important, they can be read by Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice, Numbers and more.  Now, all of our administrators can export their “in” user data to software of their choice to aid with charts, payroll, you name it.


Reports Have Landed in Simple In/Out

Today, we’re happy to announce that reports have been added to Simple In/Out!  This was a very popular request from our users, so this will certainly make a lot of people happy. In the upper-right hand corner is the new Reports link, which we had room for because of our settings simplification.  Once you click on this, you’ll be presented with the Company Time Report.

 The Company Time Report lists all of your users and their last status changed time.  On the right is the timespan options, which default to last week.  You can select any timespan as long as it doesn’t exceed 31 days. After you click Run Report, the report generates immediately.  The total time is presented as well as a breakdown of the total time of each individual day.  If you hover over the day, the date will appear. We’re not done, next up is a CSV export for our report data for users to take into Excel, OpenOffice, etc.  If you have any other feedback or report ideas, let us know.

iOS Update available

Our first update for the year is now available in the App Store. There were a couple bug fixes to squash as well as a modified signup page. We wanted to make the signup process a little easier to understand. We hope it will help any new users.

Stay tuned as we hope to launch a few new features in the coming weeks. We’ve been listening to everyone and we are sure you will be happy with the results.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from the Simply Made Apps crew!  2011 was a great year.  We started dreaming about Simple In/Out this time last year and it’s been wonderfully received.  We have some great things plans for 2012.

Thanks to all our users, we couldn’t have done it without you.