Simple In/Out 2.0 is Live!

After 9 months of brainstorming, months of coding and weeks of final debugging, we’ve just launched Simple In/Out 2.0! Our team is incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished. It’s been a hell of a summer.

By far, the banner feature of this new release is GeoFencing. With GeoFencing, you can designate circles on a map. Once added, reach for your Simple In/Out app on your phone and under your GPS settings, you can automatically check in/out when you enter or leave a real world location! This makes checking in and out virtually transparent. After a little setup, everyone in your organization will be automatically updating.

We’ve also redesigned the user interface to be easier to use. We’ve added additional profile information to the website. We’ve added a bunch of efficiency changes and nailed down a bunch else.

Check it out:

Relative Dates

Today a small change to fix a date sorting bug led to another great little touch to the Simple In/Out web site: relative dates!  Now, to make things easier to read, you’ll see labels like “Today” and “Yesterday”.  Like below:

Hopefully it’s changes like this that make all the difference for your day to day productivity. Also, stay tuned for big 2.0 news.  We’re now days away from release!    

We’re Pushing Up the Web!

Starting today, we’re pushing up the web. For far too long, us web developers spend a significant amount of time getting our apps running in browsers old and new. Old versions of Internet Explorer alone are enough to send me climbing the clock tower. But what can we do? We can recommend you use a modern web browser like a recent version of Safari or Firefox. Starting today, we’re going to try to prod users even more. Now, if you visit Simple In/Out or this blog with an old browser, we’re going to gently nudge you with a little message:

 If you click on this, it will take you to the vendor’s page so you can update your browser. Many thanks to Push Up The Web for the easy to integrate script. If you’re a website operator, we strongly recommend you join the effort.