It’s here! The new Simple In/Out app for Android

The wait is over.

A few weeks ago, we announced our new Simple In/Out Android app was open to beta testing. As of today, it is officially available to download in the Google Play store.

It’s not just improved; it’s entirely brand new.

As you may know, we had an update to our Android app but after getting it about done, we realized it still suffered from many problems that were just unacceptable. So, we decided to completely rewrite the Android app from scratch. That sounds daunting (and it kind of was), but we felt that this was absolutely the right decision. 

With this new rewrite, we focused on the latest and greatest, which allowed us to use some really great new tools Google has made available.

What’s new?

In the old app, the GeoFences worked perfectly fine for some users, but for many they only worked some of the time, if at all. The accuracy of the GeoFences in the new app should be significantly improved.

The old app was also a bit of a battery-sucking vampire. With the new app, GeoFences can be on 24/7 with little to no effect on battery life.

P.S. A huge thank you to all the beta testers who have been test-driving the new app and giving us feedback over the last few weeks. You're the best!