Simple In/Out Desktop Bug Requires Immediate Upgrade

Starting on September 30th, 2021, our new Simple In/Out Desktop app for Windows and Mac experienced problems with loading the board and performing status updates. We have a new update that should be downloaded immediately (version 1.0.5). You can download directly from our website or update within our Desktop app from the Settings tab.

What Happened

Simple In/Out’s website and API utilize SSL certificates provided by Let’s Encrypt. This service’s root certificate, one many services like ours stem from, has just expired. For devices released in the last few years, that’s a nothing-burger. A new SSL certificate handles everything from here on out.

In our case, this should have been a non-event. Our new Desktop app relies on other technologies, and unfortunately, one of those was affected by the expired certificate.

If you’re using Simple In/Out Desktop, please upgrade to the latest version. Downloading version 1.0.5 will restore functionality, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

We apologize for our mistake.