Ending Support for Internet Explorer 9 and 10

The Simple In/Out website (www.simpleinout.com) will no longer support Internet Explorer 9 and 10 starting January 1, 2020. We’re doing this for a couple of reasons.

Microsoft has stopped supporting Internet Explorer 9 and 10, so they’re no longer receiving important security updates. By supporting these old browsers, we’re actually slowing the adoption of modern, more secure web browsers.

By removing support for these old versions of Internet Explorer, we will be able to speed up development of the Simple In/Out website and offer features available to modern web browsers. If an old browser doesn’t have a shiny new feature that’s offered in modern web browsers, we’re unable to implement a feature because it won’t work for all users.

Users who attempt to load the Simple In/Out website using an unsupported browser will be redirected to this page with links to download the latest versions of Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.