Simply Made Apps Joins Massive Internet-Wide Day of Action for Net Neutrality

For our Simple In/Out users, you may notice a banner on the top of our product today.

Simply Made Apps is participating in the Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality to oppose the FCC’s plan to slash Title II, the legal foundation for net neutrality rules that protect online free speech and innovation. Twitter, Reddit, Netflix, Amazon, Kickstarter, Etsy, Vimeo, Mozilla, OK Cupid, Imgur, Medium, and dozens of other major sites are also participating.

Simply Made Apps and other participants are displaying a prominent message to our users and encourage them to take action by contacting Congress and the FCC.

We’ve also submitted our comments to the FCC for ourselves and organized a letter on behalf of several North Dakota technology companies. For us, this is personal.  Simply Made Apps wouldn’t exist without open access to the internet, unfettered by companies charging fees as gatekeepers or extorting money from us to match the speed of our competitors.

See the announcement for the day of action and take action yourself here: