Schedule Simple In/Out Reports to Arrive in your Email Inbox

Simple In/Out has many reports to analyze your status updates. We have reports that count time, offer chronological lists of status updates, charts, and more. We also have reports that export into formats like PDF and CSV to take with you.

If you are required to submit or monitor reports regularly, repeatedly running the same reports can be a hassle. Users must remember to do it every period, remember their settings, and wait for the report to generate. How can we make this easier?

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest feature: Scheduled Email Reports. Users can receive reports directly in their inbox, complete with their preferred settings and format. You design the perfect report and choose your schedule. We offer daily, weekly, biweekly, and monthly options. Once set, Simple In/Out will generate the report with your preferred timespan and email you a link to download. Your report will be ready for you first thing in the morning.

This feature supports both the Print/PDF and Export reports. All presentation options are supported.

We believe emailing reports will help our users save time and increase productivity. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!